Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Holly and the Dove-y

I was pruning this totally unruly Holly tree two weeks ago, when I stumbled upon this! I guess the Dove had to choose safety over comfort when choosing her location for her nest, because this Holly is so sharp. I never would have found this had I not decided to chop off a bunch of scraggly branches underneath this tree. There were four little babies in the nest. One morning while I was watering the grass seed on my lawn I saw two of the babies take their first flight. They fluttered around crazily while trying to figure out how their wings worked. Unfortunately, I think one of them didn't figure it out fast enough, because later on that day I found one in three pieces on the lawn. So sad! I buried it in the corner of my garden, and the mama Dove and her remaining babes have since left the nest. Hopefully they'll be back next year, and whatever got at the little baby doesn't come back...You can admire the beauty of nature, but also are shown the reality of it as well.

It's crazy how all four babies fit in that little nest. Check out how the baby dove is grabbing on to her mama, almost like she's giving her a hug!

1 comment:

Barbee' said...

Interesting. We have a holly tree against the back window of our living room where we can see into it. Doves have nested in it, too. Not every year, but more than once. I think the holly leaves give them shelter from the rain and predators. Doves are sweet, aren't they. Sometimes a cardinal gets there first and builds a nest.

Clever title for your post, by the way.